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Original Article
Association between new-onset liver cirrhosis and suicide risk in South Korea: A nationwide cohort study
Suk-Yong Jang, Woo Sun Rou, Seok Hyun Kim, Byung Seok Lee, Hyuk Soo Eun
Clin Mol Hepatol. 2021;27(2):283-294.   Published online December 3, 2020
View: 5806   Download: 194  Web of Science: 9  Crossref: 10
Efficacy and safety of sofosbuvir plus ribavirin for Korean patients with hepatitis C virus genotype 2 infection: A retrospective multi-institutional study
Young Min Kim, Suk Bae Kim, Il Han Song, Sae Hwan Lee, Hong Soo Kim, Tae Hee Lee, Young Woo Kang, Seok Hyun Kim, Byung Seok Lee, Hee Bok Chae, Myeong Jun Song, Ji Woong Jang, Soon Young Ko, Jae Dong Lee
Clin Mol Hepatol. 2018;24(3):311-318.   Published online June 4, 2018
View: 7688   Download: 200  Web of Science: 11  Crossref: 11
Efficacy and safety of daclatasvir plus asunaprevir for Korean patients with HCV genotype Ib infection: a retrospective multi-institutional study
Byeong Wook Cho, Seok Bae Kim, Il Han Song, Sae Hwan Lee, Hong Soo Kim, Tae Hee Lee, Young Woo Kang, Seok Hyun Kim, Byung Seok Lee, Hee Bok Chae
Clin Mol Hepatol. 2017;23(1):51-56.   Published online March 16, 2017
View: 7991   Download: 211  Web of Science: 12  Crossref: 14
Efficacy and safety of entecavir plus carnitine complex (GODEX®) compared to entecavir monotherapy in patient with ALT elevated chronic hepatitis B: randomized, multicenter open-label trials. The GOAL study
Dae Won Jun, Byung Ik Kim, Yong Kyun Cho, Hong Ju Kim, Young Oh Kwon, Soo Young Park, Sang Young Han, Yang Hyun Baek, Yong Jin Jung, Hwi Young Kim, Won Kim, Jeong Heo, Hyun Young Woo, Seong Gyu Hwang, Kyu Sung Rim, Jong Young Choi, Si Hyun Bae, Young Sang Lee, Young Suck Lim, Jae Youn Cheong, Sung Won Cho, Byung Seok Lee, Seok Hyun Kim, Joo Hyun Sohn, Tae Yeob Kim, Yong Han Paik, Ja Kyung Kim, Kwan Sik Lee
Clin Mol Hepatol. 2013;19(2):165-172.   Published online June 27, 2013
View: 10604   Download: 154  Crossref: 22
The retrospective cohort study for survival rate in patients with advanced hepatocellular carcinoma receiving radiotherapy or palliative care
Hyuk Soo Eun, Min Jung Kim, Hye Jin Kim, Kwang Hun Ko, Hee Seok Moon, Eaum Seok Lee, Seok Hyun Kim, Heon Young Lee, Byung Seok Lee
Clin Mol Hepatol. 2011;17(3):189-198.   Published online September 30, 2011
View: 7215   Download: 71  Crossref: 5
A study of the awareness of chronic liver diseases among Korean adults
Dae Won Jun, Yong Kyun Cho, Joo Hyun Sohn, Chang Hyeong Lee, Seok Hyun Kim, Jong Ryul Eun
Clin Mol Hepatol. 2011;17(2):99-105.   Published online June 23, 2011
View: 7692   Download: 53  Crossref: 12
Case Report
A case of concomitant Gilbert's syndrome and hereditary spherocytosis
Hee Jung Lee, Hee Seok Moon, Eaum Seok Lee, Seok Hyun Kim, Jae Kyu Sung, Byung Seok Lee, Hyun Yong Jeong, Heon Young Lee, Young Jae Eu
Clin Mol Hepatol. 2010;16(3):321-324.   Published online September 30, 2010
View: 7209   Download: 62  Crossref: 10
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Clinical and

Print ISSN: 2287-2728
Online ISSN: 2287-285X

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