Korean J Hepatol > Volume 7(4); 2001 > Article
The Korean Journal of Hepatology 2001;7(4): 387-391.
원저 : B 형 만성 간질환 환자 자녀들의 B 형 간염 바이러스 감염률 - 특히 0 - 19 세 자녀들의 감염률 - ( Original Articles : The Hepatitis B Carrier Rate in Siblings of Patients with HBV - associated Chronic Liver Disease )
The Hepatitis B Carrier Rate in Siblings of Patients with HBV - associated Chronic Liver Disease
Hwi Kong, M.D., Ji Hoon Kim, M.D., Nam Young Cho, M.D., Yoon Hong Kim, M.D., Kil Man Jung, M.D., Jong Eun Yeon, M.D., Jae Seon Kim, M.D., Young Tae Bak, M.D., Kyung Hwan Cho, M.D.*, Yong Kyu Park, M.D.† , Kwan Soo Byun, M.D., and Chang Hong Lee, M.D.
Department of Gastroenterology and Hepatology, Department of Family Medicine*, Korea University Guro Hospital, Department of Medical Statistics, College of Medicine, Catholic University†, Seoul, Korea
/ Aims : This study aimed to estimate the seroepidemiology of hepatitis B virus(HBV) infection with emphasis on the transmission of HBV infection between mother`s and their children. Methods : For 452 patients with HBV associated chronic liver disease, and 1,098 of their offspring, who visited Korea University Kuro Hospital from February, 2000 to February,2001, HBsAg was tested by radioimmunoassay. Results : Among siblings whose mothers were HBsAg - positive, the overall prevalence rate of HBV infection was 44.9%(140/312) and decreased with decreasing age(54.7% in ≥ 20 years old age group, 33.3% in 10-19 years old age group, 7.6% in < 10 years old age group). The estimated proportion of perinatal infection out of modes of HBV transmissions in the general population was 38% in < 10 years and 63.4% in 10-19 years. Conclusion : The present hepatitis B vaccination strategies-especially against perinatal infection of Korea have performed to their utmost. More effective methods for prevention of HBV transmission are now needed. (Korean J Hepatol 2001;7 :387- 391)
KeyWords: Hepatitis/Viral/HBV Infection, HBV Infection Rate, Perinatal Infection, Epidemiology

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