Clinical and Molecular Hepatology



Korean J Hepatol. 2001;7(1):1-5. Published online January 1, 2000.
Which Method Is Appropriate in Defining the Responsiveness to Lamivudine?
ALT, alanine aminotransferase; anti-HBe, antibody to hepatitis B virus e antigen; cccDNA, covalently closed circular DNA; HBcAg, hepatitis B virus core antigen; HBeAg, hepatitis B virus e antigen; HBsAg, hepatitis B virus surface antigen; HBV, hepatitis B virus; HBx, hepatitis B virus x protein; LHBs, large hepatitis B virus surface antigen; MHBs, middle-sized hepatitis B virus surface antigen; PCR, polymerase chain reaction; SHBs, small hepatitis B virus surface antigen.

Keywords :Hepatit s/Viral/Chronic HBV hepatitis, Lamivudine, Response

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