Clinical and Molecular Hepatology




Please read this checklist carefully to ensure that your manuscript is complete and in compliance with the CMH Guide for Authors.

1) General Format Yes No
[1] Did you have the title page, abstract, the text (introduction, materials and methods, results, and discussion), acknowledgements, conflict of interest statement, references, tables, and legends for figures?
[2] Is the manuscript double-spaced in an A4-size paper?
[3] The manuscript of special topics should not be longer than 800 words.
[4] The number of authors for letters to the editor must not exceed 6.
2) Abstract Yes No
[1] Abstract must contain 250 words or less and must be organized as follows: Backgrounds/Aims, Methods, Results, and Conclusions.
[2] Five or less key words should be provided at the end of the abstract.
3) Introduction, Methods, Results, Discussion, Acknowledgements, Conflict of Interest Statement, References Yes No
[1] Identify the committee(s) approving the study protocol and include a statement of compliance with ethical regulations.
[2] An acknowledgement of persons who made a assistance and provided special reagents may be included. Grant and financial support related with the work should be specifically stated.
[3] Please state any conflicts of interest.
[4] All citations in the paper have a complete and accurate reference in the reference list. The number of references in special topics should be 10 or less.
4) Tables and Figures Yes No
[1] Prepare tables on individual sheets of paper, double spaced and numbered consecutively with Arabic numerals in the order of their appearance in the text.
[2] Explain all abbreviations and symbols.
[3] Figure legends should be typed consecutively on a separate sheet of paper.
[4] Figures should be supplied in the JPG or TIFF format at a final resolution of 600 dpi or higher.

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