Korean J Hepatol > Volume 15(3); 2009 > Article
The Korean Journal of Hepatology 2009;15(3): 357-361.
doi: https://doi.org/10.3350/kjhep.2009.15.3.357
A case of metastatic hepatocellular carcinoma of the rib, treated by transcatheter arterial chemoembolization
Young Kul Jung , Jong Eun Yeon , Chung Ho Kim , Hyun Jung Lee , Young Sun Lee , Eileen L. Yoon , Eun Suck Jung , Jong Hwan Choi , Ji Hoon Kim , Kwan Soo Byun
Department of Internal Medicine, Korea University of Medical College Guro Hospital, Seoul, Korea
Bone is a common site of metastasis in patients with hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC). We report a rare case of rib metastasis from HCC treated by transcatheter arterial chemoembolization (TACE). A 55-year-old man with liver cirrhosis presented with right lower chest pain. The diagnosis was an HCC with a bone metastasis in the right eighth rib. Intra-arterial injections of doxorubicin mixed with Lipiodol and Gelfoam particles were instituted through the right eighth intercostal artery. Computed tomography and a Tc99-labeled scan performed 2 months after the third TACE revealed no viable HCC in the right eighth rib. (Korean J Hepatol 2009;15:357-361)
KeyWords: Rib metastasis; Hepatocellular carcinoma; Transcatheter arterial chemoembolization

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