Korean J Hepatol > Volume 2(1); 1996 > Article
The Korean Journal of Hepatology 1996;2(1): 29-36.
원저 : 간질환 환자 혈청에서 ELISA를 이용한 angiogenin 측정의 평가
Evaluation of Angiogenin Concentrations using ELISA in Sera from the Patients with Chronic Liver Diseases.
Kee Woon Kweon, Soong Hwan Lee, Seong Hee Lee, Hong Ju Kim, Chang Hwa Lee, Byoung Hun Kim, In Kyu Paik, Dong Il Park, Sung Soo Park, Dong Hoo Lee
Backgroud:Liver fibrosis by the progression of the chronic processes of the liver diseases induces deforrned microcirculations of the hepatic lobules. And this eventually resolted in portal hypertension. On the other hands, angiogenic stimu4nt factors are physiologically activated in order to repair the tissue damage. Overexpression of angiogenic factors, however, can stimulate neovascularization as in a fonnation of the tumor that liberates uncontrolled overgrowing of the tumor cells. Methods: To elucidate the dynamic changes of the serum concentration of angiogenin in chronic liver diseases, this study is intended to employ an ELISA in 44 pathologically proven patients. Quantikiae human angiogenin kit (R & D,systems Inc. Mmneapolis, MN) was used for this investigation. Results:Mean value and standard error of angiogenin concentration (ng/ml) of the sera was 238.92+ 50.95 in 5 cases of chronic persistent hepatitis, 184.47+ 12.75 in 6 cases of chronic active hepatitis, 131.36+ 10.99 in 19 cases of liver cirrhosis, and 211.03+ 19.08 in 14 cases of hepatocellular carcinoma, respectively. Serum angiogenin level in the liver cirrhosis was significantly lower than in chronic persistent hepatitis(p=0.00336), and than in chronic active hepatitis(p=0.018673). Angiogenin concentration in hepatocellular carcinomas was significantly higher than the level of the liver cirrhosis investigated(p=0.00569). Conclusions:These data support that persistent inflammatory insults in the chronic hepatitis were compensated by the elevation of angiogenin but complete fibrosis as in liver cirrhosis showed the depressed level. And emerging of the hepatocellular carcinoma is accompanied by the elevated stimuli of angiogenin for the neovascularization.
KeyWords: Chronic Liver Diseases , Angiogenin , ELISA

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