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Challenges in translating clinical guidelines into real-life practice for management of hepatocellular carcinoma in Taiwan
San-Chi Chen
Clin Mol Hepatol. 2023;29(2):352-354.   Published online March 20, 2023
View: 3636   Download: 70
Detect or not to detect very early stage hepatocellular carcinoma? The western perspective
Ju Dong Yang
Clin Mol Hepatol. 2019;25(4):335-343.   Published online March 29, 2019
View: 11973   Download: 256  Web of Science: 45  Crossref: 43
Direct-acting antivirals response in hepatocellular carcinoma: Does the presence of hepatocellular carcinoma matter?
Chung-Feng Huang, Ming-Lung Yu
Clin Mol Hepatol. 2019;25(2):168-171.   Published online February 11, 2019
View: 6595   Download: 186  Web of Science: 5  Crossref: 5
Serum Concentration of Intercellular Adhesion Molecule-1 (ICAM-1) in Patients with Hepatocellular Carcinoma (HCC) with Low AFP
Hyun Ju Park, Joung Il Lee, Seok Ho Dong, Hyo Jong Kim, Byoung Ho Kim, Young Woon Chang and Rin Chang
Clin Mol Hepatol. 1998;4(4):346-357.   Published online January 1, 2000
View: 2546   Download: 14
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